Administrative and entertainment complex Shyvarman, Cheboksary

City: Cheboksary

Year: 2022

ТМ IEK: ССА 5043-1, Linear LED luminaire 1501 PRO, DVO 6560-P

The administrative and entertainment complex Shyvarman in Cheboksary is located in the Park of Culture and Leisure named after the 500th anniversary. Amusements are functioning in the park, the construction of a warm stable, a stage has been completed, a platform for renting roller skates has been opened,

Administrative buildings
Фильтры товаров
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Форма лампы или колбы
Угол обзора вертикальной плоскости
Угол обзора горизонтальной плоскости
Угол обнаружения по вертикали
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